The Draft National Insurance Policy: Possible Review of the Insurance Legal Framework in Kenya – The National Treasury recently published the Draft National Insurance Policy (“Draft Policy”), dated March 2021, following a decline in the performance of the insurance industry in the recent years. The National Treasury notes the high levels of underwriting losses which is a big threat to the insurance industry and its role as a sustainable risk management tool in Kenya. The Draft Policy was therefore developed with the main objective of creating a vibrant and competitive financial sector through the development of a fair, safe, customer-centric, competitive and stable insurance industry. It aims at addressing the challenges that hinder the development of the industry including: low level of public awareness on insurance products and services; low penetration rate and coverage; concentration of insurance in main urban areas; slow adoption of technology by the industry; low contribution of life insurance in the overall insurance industry business; limited underwriting capacity of the insurance industry; gaps in the legal and regulatory framework; relatively poor financial performance by most of the general insurance companies and poor perception about the insurance industry. If the Draft Policy is adopted, it is likely to prompt the review of insurance laws, regulations and guidelines.