Buyer beware! Supreme court imposes heavier burden on purchasers of land

Buyer beware! Supreme court imposes heavier burden on purchasers of land

Indefeasibility of Title 

Kenya operates under the Torrens Registration System which ensures that all titles to land in Kenya  are registered and such records are accurately kept. Therefore, titles issued to individuals are  conclusive evidence of ownership. Hence, official search results generated by the Lands Registry are  expected to be a depiction of the correct ownership of the property.

However, the Supreme Court has affirmed that search results from the Lands Registry do not always  show the correct state of ownership. In the much-contested ownership of land between the Appellant  and the County Government of Mombasa, the court noted that the title is an end product of a process. The Appellant in this case had acquired the disputed property from a seller who had initially acquired  the property from H.E. Daniel Arap Moi. It was urged that the former president acquired the property  by allocation. The Court noted that the allocation process had been irregular and illegal and as such,  he could not have passed a good title. Accordingly, any person who acquired the property from H.E.  Daniel Arap Moi could not have obtained a clean title. On this basis, the court denied the appellant  ownership of the property, noting that it could not find refuge in the doctrine of indefeasibility of title.  Moreso, the court was quick to note that irregularly acquired title cannot be sheltered by the law under  the pretext of the right to property since the right can be limited by law.

If the process preceding the issuance of the title is tainted by fraud and illegality, the title cannot be  protected under the doctrine of indefeasibility of title. This places a heavy burden on the Purchaser  and their advocates in the investigation of title.

Investigation of Title 

Due diligence is a crucial facet of a land transaction. The duty of investigating the title befalls the  Purchaser to ensure that they will acquire a good title, devoid of encumbrances. This enables the  Purchaser to avoid potential contestations of the title. The Supreme Court’s pronouncement has  broadened the scope of due diligence. Initially, the buyer would make an application for official search  at the Lands Registry and the results would suffice as the correct record of ownership.

However, there are several loopholes that may not be revealed by Official Search Results from the  Lands Registry. Such loopholes include erroneous or irregular registration of property as was the case  with the Supreme Court Case at hand. With the new decision, the buyer is obligated to conduct a historical search on the property to ensure that the entire process of acquisition beginning from the initial allocation of the land to the current title has been proper and legal. Failure to conduct such  extensive due diligence exercise could result in the buyer obtaining an unclean title, incapable of being  validly transferred.

The bona fide Purchaser for Value without notice 

A bona fide purchaser is defined in the Black’s Law Dictionary as:

“One who buys something for value without notice of another’s claim to the property and without actual or constructive notice of any defects in or infirmities, claims or equities against the seller’s title; one  who has in good faith paid valuable consideration for property without notice of prior adverse claims.”1 

The doctrine of bona fide purchaser for value without notice protects purchasers who acquire  property in good faith and without knowledge of any other adverse claims. The Supreme Court cited  the case of Samuel Kamere v Lands Registrar Kajiado [2015] eKLR which provided the threshold for  consideration of a bona fide purchaser:

  1. The purchaser must have acquired a valid and legal title;
  2. The purchaser must have carried the necessary legal due diligence to determine the lawful  owner from whom they acquired a legitimate title; and
  3. The Purchaser must have paid valuable consideration for the purchase of the property.

Against this backdrop, the Supreme Court also found that the Appellant could equally not find solace under the doctrine of a bona fide purchaser for value without notice. This is because the Appellant had  not acquired a valid and legal title and it had also not conducted historical due diligence to ascertain  that indeed the property had been validly owned since the first allocation. This finding buttresses the  heightened obligations on the buyer to investigate the title beyond the Official Search results issued  by the lands registry.


A purchaser must be diligent in investigating the title by exhausting all avenues of information to  ensure that they obtain a valid and legal title that can be defended against any contestation. This  obligation is especially burdensome in the wake of the ongoing digitization process which has  complicated access to historical records. Even though the digitization process aims to correct  anomalies and make it easier for due diligence, we still have a long way to go due to system hitches.  Essentially, the Supreme Court’s decision will affect land transactions and even the use of property as  collateral in the lending sector.

Cited in the Supreme Court Case.


~Article by June Njoroge Ngwele and Fridah Gatwiri~